WARNING! These are testing releases! If you want a stable release, please stick to 0.9.6
Version includes the following changes:
- Fixed IME when option key is set to meta/esc
- Fix auto software update bug
- Fix showing toolbar when window is maximised (#2765328)
- Fixed window cycling (#2805216, #2688460)
Version includes the following changes:
- Don't redraw the screen completely every 0.5 seconds (was too slow)
- Clear text selection when leaving alternate screens, eg vim
- Fixed option key as esc/meta under Snow Leopard (#2849154)
- Fixed focus follows mouse not working when viewing scrollback
Version includes the following changes:
- Integrated new version of Sparkle for cryptographically protected updates. Should also be better about prompting for updates.
- Draw bold text the old fashioned way, much faster
- Separate bold & highlight attributes for text
- New behaviour gives four distinct modes -- plain, bold, highlight, bold+highlight Use the disable bold option to collapse the last 3 into one
Version includes the following changes:
- Fixed blinking text
- Fixed drawing corruption when new text is placed into a full buffer that is not scrolled to the bottom
- Fixed a careless redraw error
- Fixed refreshing of non-active tabs (#2862256)
Version includes the following changes:
- Improved performance with full scrollback buffers
- Improved performance with large amounts of input from multiple terminals
- Viewing a menu or holding down the mouse button no longer blocks applications (#2682132)
- Save cursor position separately for alternate screens (#2833765)
- Show correct window titles (#2765347)
- Fixed CMD-num tab switching (#2271203)
- Selection text should always be correct when scrolling
- Always disable Apple's smooth scrolling to avoid drawing corruption
- More reliable and faster drawing
- Selected text will now be invalidated only one of the characters in the selection is changed.
- If no working directory is specified then new tabs will open in the same directory as the previous session. This doesn't work with the default settings yet. Need to execute /bin/bash -li
- Clear the bell symbol upon any key press
- Converted to XCode 3.1 project format and IB 3.0 XIBs
- Report as xterm patch level 95 so Vim detects ttymouse=xterm2, also increased default refresh rate.
Version includes the following changes:
- Fixed clipping bottom of fonts that are not Monaco (#2735995)
- Smart window placement remembers initial window (#2736180)
- Windows will no longer be placed under the dock (#2740187)
- Fixed default background colour being drawn over background image
- Fixed a bug when pasting more than 1024 characters of text
- Fix overwriting of static window/bookmark titles (#2744363)
- Revert to old force screen update behaviour for 10.4 (#2738986)
- Rewrote large parts of PTYTask
Version includes the following changes:
- Smarter placement of new terminal windows. New windows are positioned on screen to have the smallest overlap with existing terminal windows
- Guaranteed restoration of old window position upon exiting fullscreen
- Dramatically improved scrolling speed. iTerm on 10.5 no longer redraws whole terminal when scrolled, only the lines that have changed
- Scroll on new input stops/starts on pushing home/end respectively
- Allow antialiasing on very small fonts
- Fixed colour drawing bug that was triggered by changing ColorSync profiles, eg new monitors
- High density background colours are now supported
- Cursor is now double width when over a double-width character
- Refactored large parts of terminal drawing code, no more character cache. Selection handling doesn't touch the scrollback buffer.
Version includes the following changes:
- Fixed permissions problem (again!)
- Fixed rendering bug causing bold characters to be drawn incorrectly, sometimes manifested as invisible characters
- Terminal window title bar displays "Session" if an empty title is set
- Restore window title bar colour when leaving send input to all tabs mode
Version includes the following changes:
- ITConfigPanel can now only set transparency in integer multiples
- ITConfigPanel font spacing now snaps to ticks
- Fixed the screen blanking bug on setWindowTitle (#2188028)
- Improved the layout of ITConfigPanel
- Removed "Use transparency" button from ITConfigPanel as it was causing confusion. To disable transparency just set it to 0%.
- Fixed a problem with pasting a big chunk of stuff.
- Detached tabs now keep their size/font settings.
- Removed the writing threads to avoid potential sync problems.
- Now iTerm automatically restores its window title after a window resizes.
Version includes the following changes:
- Fixed a bug that cause crashes when using vim.
- 256 Color palette support (patch provided by Walter Dorwald).
- Improved URL handling for ssh/ftp/telnet.
- iTerm no longer sends a growl alert for a bell event if the winodw is the key window.
- Highlight window when it's in the "send input to all tab" mode.
- Better handling of "fork" errors.
- The anti-idle is no longer sent to all tabs when "send input to all tabs" is on.
- Other minor UI changes and bug fixes.
Version includes the following changes:
- Greatly enhanced stability. All the "scrollup" crashes should no longer happen.
- Reduced CPU usage when multiple sessions are open.
- Implemented xterm's window report sequences.
- Bookmark sort now an option.
- Folder name in bookmarks window is now editable.
- Double-clicking folder names in the bookmark window to expand/collapse them.
- Fixed a bug that stops one to create a bbookmark in an empty folder.
- Tweaked close confirmation behavior.
- Allow bookmark names to include macros defined by $$ (bug #2142459).
- Fixed a bug that causes the bell icon never shows.
- Pasting DOS-format strings now no longer have extra new lines.
- Fixed a bug of processing wrapping text.
- Fixed DECCOLM: now screens are correctly cleared.
- If the preference panel loses focus, we now close font menu to avoid confuse.
Release 0.9.6 9/24/08
This is our first release after Leopard was released. Besides the Leopard support,
0.9.6 has the following features and fixes:
- "Blur" effect for transparent windows
- Full screen mode now supports Spaces and multi-monitor setups.
- Automatically set up the locale in terminal sessions.
- Dropping a folder to the iTerm icon opens a new sesssion in the folder path.
- A bunch of UI improvements, including:
- New option to prompt a warning when a multi-tab window is to be closed.
- Double-clicking the tab bar now launches a new session.
- Bookmarks are now sorted alphabetically.
- Double-clicking in the bookmark window now launches a bookmark.
- Editing profile names is now correctly implemented.
- As usual, there are many bug fixes including
- Several keyboard issues are fixed.
- Several fixes for the UTF and double-width characters.
- No more execessive log entries in the system log.
- Fixed a bug that crashes iTerm when using Applescripts.
- Greatly enhanced stability.